Saturday, June 2, 2007

Reflecting on 1967

The great Melanie Phillips has a post that should be required reading for everyone.

The Post discusses a recent seminar on the legacy of the Six Day War in 1967. I won't say much about it, except to comment that there are some scary points. It seems, according to some of the speakers there, that the Arabs were planning a- dare I use the term- Final Solution to the Jewish Question.

Going along with main theme of a disconnect between the fear of Holocaust and the sense of Invincibility, I can't help but think that the enemies of Israel figured it out long before She did: As I recall, it was shortly after their disastrous war, that the local Arabs suddenly became "Palestinians".

Thus moving themselves from enemies and aggressors to victims.

1 comment:

h said...

It's probably too late to eliminate the nonsense word "Palestinian" from the world's vocabulary. Or to point out that the majority of the Arabs actually living in what became Israel were CHRISTIANS, not muslibs.

Ironically, the muslib scumbiscuit who popularized "palestinian" was born in, reared in, and forcibly removed from...

TUNISIA. Lib-hero Yassir Arafat.

He was also expelled from Libya and Egypt before deciding that "palestine" was his "homeland"

Funny, how few people know that.