Thursday, June 7, 2007

Islam =Feminism? How?

I've occasionally seen articles quoting women (usually converts to Islam) praising how well Islam treats women. And I always wonder if the women are really that ignorant.

Here's an article written by an LA Times journalist who spent several years in Saudi Arabia. It's worth a read, as it gives a glimpse into the mindset of a Western woman there, and also some of the mindset of the locals- both those who support the laws repressing women, and those who oppose them.

It's most interesting to me the way some of the women there accept their treatment. One asks why she would want to vote, when she has a man to make decisions for her.

Amazing. This is a culture that makes no sense to me. But the idea of women- any women, let alone "feminists"- supporting Islam in any way is even less sensible.

Ah well. Not much I can say about it that hasn't already been said.

1 comment:

Dymphna said...

The attraction of Islam for some women is strange indeed.

Rosemary Sookhdeo, wife of Patrick S., has written a book called Stepping Into the Shadows: Why Women Convert to Islam".

She calls this phenomenon "the Diana Syndrome"; this label really seems to nail it. Diana was one very unhappy and unstable woman --she had everything and absolutely nothing. So what does she do but end up with a Muslim?

Had she lived, would Diana have converted to Islam? I think so.