Sunday, May 27, 2007

Good thing they won't tolerate it

A story from the AP, via Yahoo. Darfur is a hell-hole, thanks to a Muslim government
and it's allies. They arm the militia, in order to slaughter the infidels, and then the militia turn to rape.

Man, I'm shocked. Never would have seen that coming, eh?

And the government denies that it's happening. Another big surprise. Or maybe not. Under Islamic "law" it's almost impossible to prove rape. Recall that women are lesser humans than men, so you need more female witnesses- I believe the ratio is 2-1. So if you could even catch the animals that did it, there wouldn't be enough evidence: in this instance, 7 women against 10 men. Nope, not enough proof.

The one positive of the whole thing is that the government, once they bother trying to find rapists- and actually succeed- does flog them. That's not a bad idea.

I wonder how long it'll be before N.O.W. steps in here. After all, rape is A Bad Thing. Except in places where it would be wrong for westerners to criticise the local traditions. Multi-culturalism is more important than women's rights.

Sometimes I despair.

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